
Transport of critically ill patients from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to other departments for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures is often a necessary part of the critical care process. Transport of critically ill patients is potentially dangerous with up to 70% adverse events occurring. The aim of this study was to develop a checklist to […]

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on 24 aprile 2015

Neuroprotective strategies that limit secondary tissue loss and/or improve functional outcomes have been identified in multiple animal models of ischemic, hemorrhagic, traumatic and nontraumatic cerebral lesions. However, use of these potential interventions in human randomized controlled studies has generally given disappointing results. In this paper, we summarize the current status in terms of neuroprotective strategies, […]

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Early tracheostomy may decrease the duration of mechanical ventilation, sedation exposure, and intensive care stay. These effects may result in improved clinical outcomes, but the evidence is conflicting. These authors evaluated the studies in this field.

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on 14 aprile 2015

Un aumento delle chinurenine è associato a maggiore rischio d’infarto in pazienti con angina soprattutto se associata a diabete.

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on 3 aprile 2015

Linee guida per la valutazione del rischio e la terapia ipocolesterolemizzante

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