Dott. Luigi Vicari on 7 agosto 2014

CORTE DI CASSAZIONE PENALE – Colpa medica: decesso per infarto. Il nesso di causalità: la validità dell’ipotesi accusatoria va verificata in relazione al caso specifico sulla base delle circostanze del fatto e dell’evidenza disponibile (sentenza nr. 25210/14).

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Dott. Luigi Vicari on 7 agosto 2014

A new study confirms that people with fibromyalgia (FM) can experience objective impairments in cognitive and executive function independent of depression.

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The reversal efficacy of 2% lipid emulsion in cardiac asystole induced by different concentrations of bupivacaine is poorly defined and needs to be determined. Leggi l’articolo completo…

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Bedside assessment of lung volume in clinical practice is crucial to adapt ventilation strategy. We compared bedside measures of lung volume by helium multiple-breath washout technique (EELVMBW,He) and effective lung volume based on capnodynamics (ELV) to those assessed from spiral chest CT scans (EELVCT) under different PEEP levels in control and surfactant-depleted lungs. Leggi l’articolo […]

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Fluid management in the perioperative period has been extensively studied but, despite that, “the right amount” still remains uncertain. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the state of the art of intraoperative fluid approach today. Leggi l’articolo completo…

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